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From the November 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently when we were on a trip some four hundred miles from home, we found that we had a leak in our power steering unit. The mechanic to whom we took the car for repairs said that he had no part with which to fix it and that it would take several days to get such a part from the factory. But he assured us that the car was perfectly safe to drive if we would stop frequently along the way and replenish the oil in the unit. "Start your motor," he said, "so as to blow out the air that has accumulated; then pour in the oil, and go forward. There is nothing to fear."

We did exactly as he said. We stopped frequently on the way home to replenish the oil; and at each stop the mechanic repeated almost the same words: "Start your motor. Blow out the air. Put in the oil. And go forward. Don't be afraid."

What a challenge to thought these directions were! How well they could be made to apply to our work in Christian Science, we thought! Start your motor: start your right thinking, your prayer, your acknowledgment of God's ever-presence and power, quicken your confidence in God's guidance and protection. Blow out the air: all the error that may have accumulated in your consciousness, such as fears and doubts and limitations of one kind or another; and pour in the oil—the golden, healing oil of God's love and God's law. Then go forward unafraid.

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