Christian Science came to our family in 1885 when a great-uncle who had been a physician-surgeon brought the good news to my grandfather that Christian Science is the Comforter promised by Christ Jesus. This uncle had given up the practice of medicine to embrace Science. My grandfather and his family immediately took up its study and received healings, and in 1887 my grandfather had class instruction.
From early boyhood I heard stories of these and other early workers from my grandmother, and these instilled in me a great love for Christian Science and a deep desire to serve its Cause. Every member in our farm home for three generations has experienced the healing power of the Comforter revealed to us by Mrs. Eddy.
One experience in high school has always stood out to me. I was testing milk for butterfat in the laboratory of the high school agricultural department. At that time sulphuric acid was used as the reagent. This particular day the beaker for measuring the acid had been broken, and it was necessary to use the pipette ordinarily used only for measuring milk. After being warned by my instructor to be careful, I went about the work.