MRS. EDDY was healed of the effects of a severe accident when, in reading the Bible, she discerned that divine law governs man and the universe. Her remarkable healing through the activity of this law assured her that in a spiritual interpretation of Scripture could be found the divine Science which, when understood, would make possible the fulfillment in this age of the mission of Christ Jesus. It became clear to her that by relating everything that really exists to Spirit, and to Spirit alone, she would be able to grasp the reality of being.
She saw that because material sense restricts us to what is physically apparent, any attempt to understand the things we see through this sense holds us in the shallows of constantly changing beliefs and conclusions. So she was able to write from her own experience, "We must look deep into realism instead of accepting only the outward sense of things" (Science and Health, p. 129).
Mrs. Eddy undertook to present divine Science so clearly that it would be possible for people to understand how Jesus did his remarkable healing works and to do similar works, as he said his followers would do. And so because of the light which Christian Science throws upon the Bible, anyone who will adjust his thoughts to spiritual facts and bring his life into accord with divine law can do the works of healing that so definitely characterized the early Christian era. The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science writes of the Master (ibid., p. 313): "Jesus of Nazareth was the most scientific man that ever trod the globe. He plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause."