After I had been adjudged not capable of living in normal society, I was placed in a state mental institution. The case was diagnosed as dementia, and I remained in the institution over six years before Christian Science finally accomplished my release from what to the senses appeared to be an absolutely hopeless situation.
After the authorities in the institution had exhausted all their skills in the endeavor to effect a cure for me and I "was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse" (Mark 5:26), I was left, as the saying goes, on my own. In this connection, it is pertinent to say that I am now in possession of certain official papers which classified me as "permanently and totally disabled." Because I was a student of Christian Science, I welcomed this opportunity to be free from the material treatments applied in this type of case and their effects and to rely solely on Christian Science for healing.
From that point on, I gradually gained ground until the time arrived when it became evident to me that I should ask to be released from the institution. I did this, and I was granted an interview with the chief psychiatrist, who said he would make a preliminary assessment of my fitness. Aware that I was a Christian Scientist, he asked at one point, "Do you consider your present state to be the result of Christian Science treatment?"