In the light of national and world developments, there is an imperative need for the members of the Church of Christ, Scientist, to bestir themselves and make this church militant an effective moral and spiritual force in their communities as well as in their individual lives.
We read in Isaiah (65:9), "I will bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah an inheritor of my mountains: and mine elect shall inherit it." We give evidence of being God's elect only in the proportion that we scientifically practice the teachings of Christ Jesus as explained by Christian Science.
The true elect are the inheritors of the blessed privilege of bringing to light the church triumphant, which is the activity of Truth's presence and power and is invisible to the unillumined human mind. To those who in a measure are yielding to the truths of God and man, our Leader entrusted her revelation of divine Science and her Church organization so that these might be safeguarded from the onslaughts of animality, as well as from false theology, medical theories, and political interference.