THROUGH the study of Christian Science we learn that our true selfhood is, and always will be, completely spiritual. As we comprehend that man dwells forever in the realm of Mind, God, as Mind's infinite idea, we also become aware that health and harmony are qualities of God, which man possesses by reflection. The understanding of our true selfhood as a son of God enables us increasingly to perceive that man is the everlasting expression of Mind, imaging forth the divine nature and attributes.
Great numbers of people are realizing that the material concept of creation is false and that belief in it leads to inharmony, sickness, sin, and the distressing doubts and fears which are so common today. Many have turned unreservedly to Christian Science, and it is enabling them to perceive ever more clearly the truth of the Apostle John's statement (I John 3:2), "Beloved, now are we the sons of God," which means that at this instant, without awaiting some future date, man is God's son.
We claim our true selfhood as sons of God in proportion as we express Christlike qualities in our daily living. In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy tells us what must be accomplished if we are to demonstrate our true selfhood. She states (p. 430), "Mortal mind must part with error, must put off itself with its deeds, and immortal manhood, the Christ ideal, will appear."