In the Bible we read: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing."Isa. 35:1, 2; Humanity yearns to see desolation and barrenness yielding to bloom and fruition, inaction and delay giving place to unfoldment and progress, dreary emptiness surrendering to joyous achievement. The material senses are constantly presenting a picture of unrewarded toil, frustrated endeavor, and delayed healing. According to Christian Science, however, material sense is a liar, and its false testimony and supposed evidence can be proved untrue here and now.
In the kingdom of God, the realm of divine Mind, there is no wilderness, no thinking void of understanding or empty of compassion, no space uninhabited by joy and love, and no dearth of purity, intelligence, or justice.
In the allness, infinitude, and nowness of divine Love, God is God; He is all that name signifies and includes. He is all the wondrous good, immutable perfection, irresistible power, and perpetual bliss possible to be conceived of or defined; and He is all this good now. In the infinitude of such omnipresence there can be no absence of anything good or desirable.