As Christian Scientists we are daily learning to appreciate and demonstrate better the truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement, "He who has the true idea of good loses all sense of evil, and by reason of this is being ushered into the undying realities of Spirit."1 Indeed, "the true idea of good" constitutes a law which in the degree that it is understood and obeyed has been the basis of all human progress, reformation, and spiritualization.
In the study and practice of Christian Science I have found it useful and fruitful to define and redefine certain basic terms, lest they become stereotyped and trite. "The law of God" is one of them.
A prayerful search for better understanding and for a definition of divine law will lead us to the words and works of Mrs. Eddy. In the language of our time, and for all time, she has made the law of God understandable and practicable by explanation and demonstration. When we study her writings, we find that as nearly as spiritual ideas can be imparted in human language she has stated God's law explicitly.