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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was first brought to...

From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was first brought to my notice over fifty years ago through the instantaneous healing of a Navy pal's wife. At the earliest opportunity I attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting which, at first, held little interest for me because of the extravagance, as it seemed to me then, of calling sickness unreal. I found this view hard to accept, since I had been a member of an orthodox church for so long and an adherent of its teachings.

However, my wife and I persevered in attending services, reading the literature and studying, and soon all opposition in our thought ceased, and we eventually became members of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and later of The Mother Church. This step has not been regretted; to the contrary, from that time Christian Science has been our sheet anchor.

My first healing was the termination of severe headaches of four to five days' duration; these had troubled me for many years, and materia medica had failed to cure them. The headaches simply left me, and I have not had one since.

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