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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was presented to...

From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was presented to me nineteen years ago. At that time I was under an emotional strain. I had a financial problem that seemed insurmountable to me, and a problem of human relations. I read the Bible at every opportunity, praying to be led out of the darkness that surrounded me.

In the most unexpected manner an individual whom I had never met before and whom I never saw again after that brief conversation told me about problems worked out in his experience through spiritual means alone. This man told me he had been healed among other things of the need to wear glasses. When I expressed keen interest he told me that it was Christian Science that had healed him. Since I had never heard of this religion, he told me where I could borrow the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

The next morning I went out of my way to borrow the book at the nearest Christian Science Reading Room. That evening I waited until the other members of the family had gone to bed; then I sat quietly with the book in my hand. My eyes had for some time been troubling me much, and I had a nagging fear that I would someday go blind. I had worn glasses for ten years for astigmatism. I thought, "If this book is all this man said it is, if it could heal him of wearing glasses, I too can read it without the glasses."

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