Ever since I can remember, Christian Science has meant life itself to me. It has guided, comforted, and healed me. I have learned to turn to it in every human need and have always found that need taken care of.
Several years ago severe heart trouble, accompanied by a myriad of other difficulties, forced me to seek "the deep things of God" (I Cor. 2: 10) and to achieve a gradual transformation of thought. This experience came to me at a time when I was teaching seven- and eight-year-olds, and constant, and sometimes vigorous, activity was required of me. In addition, I had a large home, two children, and a husband to care for. However, through the faithful, patient, and strong support of a practitioner, I was able to carry on every activity demanded of me, missing hardly a day. Many times I rose to go to school, having slept only an hour or two, but always there was some star in the darkness, some light of Truth to sustain me.
One night I called the practitioner for help, but only a moment or two later was prompted to call again, asking her to declare the truth aloud to me. After I had finished dialing her number, my body became rigid. But even as the numbness reached my head, I never lost consciousness and clearly saw that my true being was not in this rigid piece of matter but that "all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 468), as the practitioner was saying to me.