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Testimonies of Healing

When I was a child, my mother began...

From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a child, my mother began to read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Although this reading was only in friendly interest with no thought of healing, both of us soon had healings. She was healed of severe attacks of migraine and of the need to wear glasses which had begun in childhood. Recurring trouble with my tonsils disappeared permanently.

In my growing-up years I had few encounters with so-called children's diseases, and they were of short duration. A great blessing of those years was the prayerful help and counsel of an elder relative who was a dedicated Christian Science practitioner. Also, I attended a Christian Science Sunday School. For these early experiences with Christian Science, the Comforter promised by our Master, Christ Jesus, I am grateful, for they gave me an early foundation of faith.

On two occasions broken bones were set and healed through spiritual means alone as the result of treatment given by a practitioner. In the more serious case, some in my office expressed fear that my walking might be permanently impaired because I was not having medical assistance. In exactly one month I returned to the office, and soon the slight limp disappeared.

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