Love holds all the answers to individual and world problems. As each one demonstrates in his own human experience a purer sense of God as Love, he will inevitably improve his health and his relationships with others. But he will also contribute greatly to the harmony and well-being of his home, his church, his community, and even of the world. Christ Jesus' individual demonstration of Love is the perfect human model, for it included the noble purpose of showing mankind the beneficent and healing influence of God, divine Love, upon human life.
Jesus was conscious of God's love for him, and he loved God. But he knew that his love for God included loving all that God created—all that reflects, or expresses, infinite Life or Being—man and the universe. His love for God and His spiritual creation was not merely an abstract theory. The Christ, his divine nature, enabled him to make love a practical force in his human experience. Never in human history has love for humanity been more convincingly evidenced. He said to his disciples, "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you."1
He also pointed out the necessity of dwelling in Christly love if they were to follow the way of his teachings and demonstrations. He was even willing to put his body through the tortures of crucifixion to prove to men by his resurrection that hate and death could destroy neither Life, God, nor man's individual identity.