It is with joy that I am writing of the experiences which have come to me since Christian Science was brought to my attention by a sincere and faithful student of this blessed truth. One of the several physical ills from which I was suffering at that time was a severe skin irritation which was particularly evident on my face. I was much disturbed and most uncomfortable. I did not know how much longer I would be permitted to continue working at my place of business.
One day when things were extremely bad, this Christian Scientist told me gently but firmly that I did not have to suffer. She told me I could be healed of this and any other difficulty. I did not appreciate her thought or words. However, they did arrest my attention. They seemed like a ray of hope in the darkness of my thinking. False pride soon gave way, and I decided to put her statements to the test. This woman asked me if I believed in God. My reply was in the affirmative, but my question was, "What can He do for me?"
"Everything," was the reply.