To those who awake to what life is as explained in Christian Science, health, harmony, and well-being are recognized as the normal and natural state of being. A lasting sense of health, harmony, and constructive accomplishment is experienced in the degree that one avails himself of dominion— God's gift to man.
Dominion is inherent in individual consciousness. All identities have it. The Bible explains that God created each one of us in His image and likeness to include by reflection the spiritual quality of dominion. Christian Science teaches that God is supreme, omnipotent, omnipresent Being, that He does not share His power with another, that He is unopposed by another so-called power named evil. Therefore the good inherent in real consciousness is unopposed; it is an attitude of unchallenged freedom, peace, and happiness; it is the kingdom of heaven within, the true consciousness of each individual. The Psalmist said, "Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet." Ps. 8:6;
Dominion is spiritual consciousness, or spirituality, which is based on obedience to God's moral and spiritual law in thinking and life. To exercise dominion in human affairs, one must cultivate and express the spiritual qualities of God, divine Love, and learn through the study and practice of Christian Science to bear witness to man's true nature.