Which should be real to us—material or spiritual existence? Mrs. Eddy states in no unmistakable terms in Science and Health, "For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence." Science and Health, p. 492;
Christian Science makes it clear that there are two fundamental requirements for attaining this altitude of thought, for recognizing that spiritual existence is the reality of being. The first requirement is to become imbued with the understanding of God's allness and oneness, with the fact that there is none beside God, infinite Mind, and His idea, man. "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me." Isa. 45:5; The second requirement is to understand and be convinced of the absolute unreality of matter and evil. "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made," John 1:3; writes John. And the Bible also tells us that God made all "very good." Gen. 1:31;
In the light of God's oneness and allness, how many minds are there? Just one, the all-intelligent, all-knowing Mind, which is God, the central and all-inclusive creative power and wisdom, the source of all action and volition. This Mind is the only Mind of man, and everyone everywhere is individually reflecting in Truth this one universal, omnipresent Mind. Thus in the universe of Spirit, there must be perfect harmony and coordination from the least idea of Mind to the greatest.