My introduction to Christian Science came through a college friend. She, her mother, and her grandmother were active church members. In fact, her mother and, grandmother were both practitioners listed in the Journal. I felt the inspiration of their dedicated lives.
Twice our daughter was healed of mastoiditis with the help of a Christian Science practitioner after physicians said she could not recover. My husband was not a Christian Scientist and had wanted a physician. Later this disease appeared for the third time, but now I was emphatic in taking my stand for Christian Science. The child was healed by a Christian Science practitioner, and the work was done within half an hour. It was glorious to witness. She was completely well, hungry, and ready to play.
Many were the times as she grew up that we turned to Christian Science for healing, protection, and deliverance; and we learned the deep meaning of the words of Mrs. Eddy, "He is near to them who adore Him" (Unity of Good, p. 4). We learned to be still and adore, that is, to bow completely to God and give Him the honor of being All-in-all, leaving nothing to heal.