A high school senior can give us some clues into the new learning expansion going on around us. One of them asked me the other day, "What kind of education is going to relate to my life? I want education to have meaning. Where is the realistic knowledge that leads to peace? Everywhere I look there's a war going on."
We all look at technology and see a contradiction: too much and too little, evil and good. There's more production and faster transport than ever, but greater pollution of the environment. People are beginning to care for people, but there are becoming too many of them. Liveliest minds in the natural sciences make possible majestic trips out of this world, while governing groups can't solve life in the cities.
Anyone interested in the learning experience of the future is wondering if there isn't a better base for progress than the contradictory theories we've been following so far. There's a feeling that the way we are living is locked into too many historical mistakes surcharged with death.