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Be Not a Fraction

From the February 1970 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The infinite One cannot be fractionated; therefore His reflection, spiritual man, cannot be a fraction. Man is not a piece of, nor does he reflect a piece of, the whole Mind. Of course, it takes all God's creation to express His wholeness, so each individual reflects Mind as a whole in quality, not quantity.

When one person meets another, is his wholeness challenged because only a fraction of his self appears wanted in any human relationship? He may feel fractionated. But he can reject this suggestion and feel integrated. Wherever he is, whatever the demands, he can find his true self as an intact idea in the one universal Mind.

People are daily challenged to prove this. A person who believes he should divide himself among family, business, club, community, may be giving in to a philosophy of division and may find parts of his selfhood left over and unfulfilled. The challenge is for the individual to utilize his Mind-given spiritual capacity in any human relationship and to be whole where ever he is.

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