Many people today, while questioning the existence of God, subscribe to the idea of loving their fellowmen. Their concern for their neighbor is impelled by altruism, by a sense of social responsibility, or by humanistic faith. Well-meaning as such approaches may be, they represent a limited view. Brotherhood cannot grow and prosper from a completely material sense of life. "The erroneous belief that life, substance, and intelligence can be material ruptures the life and brotherhood of man at the very outset,"1 our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, warns us. She reveals the true foundation of brotherhood when she writes, "One infinite God, good, unifies men and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man."2 What can dissolve the animosities of the world and harmonize its discords except a brotherly love that is the reflection of God as Love?
Even those of us who accept these truths may need to grow in our appreciation of the close connection between the two commandments that Jesus pronounced the greatest, namely: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," and "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."3
Our expression of brotherly love will be immeasurably strengthened as we see that these two commandments take effect simultaneously in our living. Love of God is coincident with love of His idea, man. Genuine love of God's idea must inevitably include love of God Himself, for although distinct they are one in being.