During the depression years my business was near failure, and my funds were very low. Yearning to know more about God, I was led to apply for class instruction in Christian Science. When I was accepted, I offered to pay the fee in installments, a few dollars a week, but the teacher laughed and assured me that I would have the money when I needed it. He referred to a statement by Mrs. Eddy in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (p. 5), "Wholly apart from this mortal dream, this illusion and delusion of sense, Christian Science comes to reveal man as God's image, His idea, coexistent with Him—God giving all and man having all that God gives." When the date for class arrived, I not only had the funds to pay the fee for instruction, but the whole problem of supply had been overcome.
I am deeply grateful for the pure teaching and spiritual support of a consecrated teacher. The annual association meeting has always given me new incentive and strength, a greater sense of God's allness and love, helping me to be a clearer transparency for Truth. I have not missed a meeting in thirty years.
Recently I had an experience that shows how alert we must be when we have work to do in connection with association meetings. Each year our members are requested to submit an account of a healing experience. I intended to write of a healing of chest and back pains accomplished with the help of a Christian Science practitioner. But each time when I began to write, the sense of pain recurred so vividly that I felt it was not right to send the letter.