Through the prayers of my beloved aunt I was healed instantaneously of a bilious condition when I was a young child. Thus the seed of Christian Science was planted. In a childlike way I loved the teaching, lived it, and had beautiful healings. After my marriage into a family who were not Christian Scientists, I underwent major surgery and for several years was under medical care.
Later I enrolled my children in a Christian Science Sunday School. In helping them with their Sunday School lessons I began my own earnest study. Inspiration and unfoldment of good were rapid, and many joyous experiences have been mine over the years, including church membership and activity, as well as Christian Science class instruction.
One outstanding healing was slow. It took nine years to clear from my thinking the clouds of suspicion, doubt, disappointment, fear, materiality. Several consecrated Christian Science practitioners helped me at different times. Each one assisted in awakening me slowly but surely out of a morbid, mesmeric state of thought, which was made manifest on my body in the form of a growth.