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Church in Action

A businessman goes into the practice

From the October 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"After Primary class, I had been having some practice for a number of years, mainly relatives and a few close friends. Then I found an ad in The Christian Science Monitor placed by a practitioner who wanted to share office space in downtown Los Angeles. I began by spending one day a week in this office. After about a year I found that having two afternoons worked out better, and I did this for about six years.

"Then I was elected Reader in my branch church, and I devoted two afternoons and all day Wednesday to the practice. I did this for about four years and then had to give another afternoon. During this time I was, of course, having practice on evenings and weekends. The three afternoons and one day were approximately half of my business hours, so it seemed the logical time to make the decision to devote my full time to the practice.

"My entering the practice full time was a blessing then, not only to me and my family, but also to my former business associates, because my leaving gave several of them an opportunity for growth in business." Metaphysical action. 

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