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Communion Undisturbed

From the October 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every individual who understands Christian Science hopes to contribute in some way to its healing ministry. A prerequisite to any degree of success in this endeavor is mastering the art of quiet communion with God. This is not always as easy as it might seem, since the world's resistance to Truth, appearing as one's own thought, strongly discourages every attempt to spiritualize the thinking of mankind. It can be accomplished, however, because the real Mind of every individual is God, unchangeable and stationary in stillness yet omniactive in being.

Our times present a picture of constant traveling from place to place—mortals often aimlessly "on the go." This tendency is not limited to moving from one location to another; it includes flitting in thought. Going from one subject or idea to another too quickly does not allow a subject or an idea to develop into full fruition. Patience in pondering the things of God, allowing ample time for holy, selfless, tender inspiration to inhabit the heart, alone does this.

Many students of Christian Science today long to emulate Christ Jesus' demonstrations. They intend to gain the spiritual understanding that makes this possible. They plan to contribute their full share to the healing ministry of Christ and help to make this a better world. They are capable, honest, and sincere. But we do not see their works. Why? Because undisciplined thought "flits." Aggressive mental suggestion, appearing as one's own thought, says: "I must get at this the first thing tomorrow morning" or "Just as soon as I get this project out of the way, I will allow nothing to further delay me in this important work." But tomorrow morning brings another project, and these undisciplined thinkers and doers too often find their high resolve yet to be accomplished in the future.

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