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Seeing What Is Really Here

From the October 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One day in a grocer store a customer looked high and low for something she wished to purchase. Finally, in desperation, she asked the manager's assistance. He found it immediately, right where she had been looking. Instead of being red and white as she had thought, it was green. She had failed to see it because she had mistaken how it should look.

We often deprive ourselves because of this failing. We are so sure that the answer to our need must appear in some particular form that we may not recognize its presence in another. When we insist that we can be blessed only in a preconceived material way, we blind ourselves to ever-present, omniscient, omnipotent God, who constantly pours out blessings for His sons and daughters.

Christian Science teaches that God creates man and the universe like Himself, perfect and complete. His plan for us is already in effect and far exceeds in goodness what limited mortal man could outline. What seems to evidence unhappiness, ill health, danger, unsatisfactory housing, or inadequate supply proclaims our need to know how to avail ourselves of this help. Through prayer we can open our eyes, become spiritually aware. Mrs. Eddy defines "eyes" as: "Spiritual discernment,—not material but mental." 1 When we see what is really here, we have what we need.

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