Christians love to commemorate the coming in the world of the manifestation of God. They treasure the thought of Christ, the Son of God, appearing to human sense first as an innocent, helpless babe, later as mankind's mighty Master and Saviour.
The spiritual idea of man's sonship with God, which Jesus represented, is still the hope of humanity. When fully matured in consciousness, it brings not only resurrection from the woes of the flesh but ultimate ascension above finite, physical sense to the heaven of Soul, the true consciousness and demonstration of being as spiritual and perfect.
But Jesus showed that before the full blessing of the Christ-idea can be experienced it must be not only understood but lived and proved. Jesus did not remain a babe. The Bible tells us, "The child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him." 1 His instinctive realization of his own divine origin developed into the unshakable understanding and demonstration of the fact that being is the manifestation of Spirit, indestructible, whole, peaceful, strong, fulfilled.