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Include the Community

From the May 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Often during a discussion of church work we hear someone remark, "We should be filling our church better" or "We need more pupils in the Sunday School." It is certainly true that all the marvelous facilities of the Christian Science movement should be fully utilized. How can the individual Christian Scientist help to extend their benefits?

A good place to start might be for each one to ask himself, "How long is it since I've invited a friend to a church service or a Christian Science lecture?"

I have been pleased at the warmth and enthusiasm with which such invitations have been received. Sometimes I have hesitated to present them, being tempted by that old devil, doubt, which tries to whisper, "Don't be silly. This person has absolutely no interest in religion." Or, "He belongs to a different denomination. He doesn't care to learn about yours."

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