As unlikely as it might seem to some, the abolition of poverty was begun over nineteen centuries ago. A spiritually-minded young man left the carpenter's trade to heal all types of problems. Preaching the immediate presence of the kingdom of heaven, of abundance and perfection, he told his fellow citizens, "It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."Luke 12:32;
That long ago, this young man was doing things as yet unequalled, such as providing food for multitudes through purely mental, spiritual means. He had no bank account or unemployment insurance, no storage reserves or relief agency. Yet he possessed a mental dominion and a wealth of spiritual understanding as yet unsurpassed, for this Soul-demonstrator named Jesus drew from the infinite resources of divine Love, or Mind. He assured his fellowmen that they had the same heritage he claimed for himself, the same Father. His works were based on spiritual foundations.
The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, explains: "We cannot build safely on false foundations. Truth makes a new creature, in whom old things pass away and 'all things are become new.' Passions, selfishness, false appetites, hatred, fear, all sensuality, yield to spirituality, and the superabundance of being is on the side of God, good."Science and Health, p. 201;