Every day the physical senses would have us regard friends, business associates, relatives, as faulty, material mortals. But striving to keep in view the perfection of the real man made in Spirit's likeness is a daily challenge that can bring us increasing satisfaction and spiritual progress.
To see the man God creates requires that we mentally perceive him as living under divine law. This law of God is wholly beneficent; it insures man's perfect health and activity. Being the law of infinite Love, it constantly holds him in a right relationship with God and his fellowman. It absolutely rules out the possibility of his ever having fallen from God's grace, thereby exonerating him from any curse or the belief of original sin. This man is entirely separate from the weakness or sinfulness that the material senses often testify to. He can be seen only by utilizing the true spiritual senses of Soul, God.
This is not to suggest two kinds of man. Instead, Christian Science helps us understand, or view, man as he really is, not as he seems to be. The mortal concept of man as frequently disagreeable, lacking, sick, or sinful, in varying degrees, is the seem-so that disappears as the true, immortal man becomes more and more real to us. This is the perfect man whom Jesus could perceive right where the mortal concept appeared to the unillumined, uninspired thought. The effect of Jesus' spiritual seeing was physical and moral healing.