At the age of twelve I was afflicted with worms, a condition no medical doctor could cure. Many medicines were prescribed for me, but to no avail. Finally the doctor told my father he could do nothing more for me. At that time those around me believed it was God's will that I should suffer. But I rebelled against that belief and began attending churches of different Christian denominations in the hope that I would find God.
One day when Father was very worried about me, he met an insurance broker, a Christian Scientist, who told him I didn't have to suffer and that Christian Science could heal me. Father asked him to pray for me. In a few days I felt better and rejoiced that I no longer had to take medicine. Many of the symptoms began to disappear, and Father at once enrolled both my sister and me in a Christian Science Sunday School, while he and Mother began attending services. My healing, however, was not complete until years later. I needed to be regenerated. I had a quick temper, believed to be inherited.
In the meantime Father obtained a United States Government position, and we were sent to Athens, Greece. At that time a small informal group of Christian Scientists were holding services there. Father and I joined the group, and we helped form the first Christian Science Society in that country.