It is my sincere desire that this testimony will reach someone who wonders if Christian Science will help him. That this religion can correct and heal every discordant aspect of our lives, I have ample proof.
When Science first came to me, my marriage had ended disastrously, and I suffered from gallbladder trouble, chronic kidney and bladder infections, arthritic pains, and severe headaches, as well as myriad fears. I took many pills and went from doctor to doctor trying new medicines, all the time praying for a way out. Then I remarried, but instead of finding peace and security I found myself more confused with many new problems.
By now I was no longer able to function normally in doing the simplest things. I had exhausted the skill of the doctors, and all the books I read on positive thinking brought me no real comfort. But I had a Bible, which had been given me on one of my many hospital stays by a roommate. I read it, especially the psalms, praying earnestly to a God I knew existed somewhere, but who had always seemed so remote.