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Better Communications

From the February 1974 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As Christian Scientists, we're eager to communicate to humanity the scientific truths of God and man that have blessed us so amply. The vital point is that these truths essentially have a spiritual rather than a theological source. That is, spiritually intelligent and healing ideas are ours, not because we're Christian Scientists but because of what man is.

In everyday terms it could be said that communication is the moving of facts, beliefs, and opinions from one place and consciousness to other places and consciousnesses. But what of spiritual ideas? Where are those ideas? Everywhere. Who do they belong to? Those ideas are components of the real man, who is the manifestation of Mind, the source of the spiritual ideas. The ideas are not things fluttering around outside, which man has to capture with the butterfly net of a particular theology. Man embodies all right ideas at this moment and always.

This is a most important point when it comes to our communicating, for the harder we try to communicate the healing message of Christian Science from the point of view that we, in Christian Science, have cornered the spiritual ideas, the less success we'll have.

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