A new concept of woman is needed — a true, spiritual concept. The concept of woman and womanhood based on material reasoning needs to be revised.
Belief in the inequality of the sexes has often resulted, and still results, in women having neither a sense of wholeness nor a satisfying role or place in society. On the other hand, men have usually been educated to believe that with them alone rest authority, superiority, and control. In general they have not known that God, the one Ego, is omnipotent. There has been a failure, too, not only by men but more particularly by women themselves, to see that the true idea—woman as well as man —is spiritual, the expression of God. Woman is essential to spiritual completeness—the completeness of God's expression.
Because the full potential of the spiritual idea, woman, has not been understood and accepted by humanity, this potential has not been evident in human experience. Women have mostly been blind to their God-derived sufficiency; that is, to their being sufficient because they are the expression of God, and not because they have a husband, father, or son.