The first of two new leaflets, "How Do I Know There Is a God?" is for those longing for a convincing definition of God. Written with the vocabulary of a 9-year-old, it speaks to those wanting the reassurance that God does exist and that He is knowable. The second, "Our Father-Mother God," tells of God's care and is primarily for those of the non-Western World who may never have thought of a Supreme Being as infinite good.
A third publication is a pamphlet, "God Is Right Here." It opens with a poem that encourages children to follow in Jesus' footsteps and then goes on to relate the true experiences of five children who did. Each story carries the assuring message of God's nearness.
The leaflets are 15¢, the pamphlet, 5¢ All three are available at most Christian Science Reading Rooms or can be ordered direct from The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 02115.