Man has never left spiritual perfection. The Bible assures us, "God hath made man upright." Eccl. 7:29; Christian Science stresses that man is spiritually whole and pure, and we need not doubt this truth or its practicality when faced with sickness or discord of any kind. As we base our reasoning on it, we prove that mortality, with its evils, isn't an actual state of being from which we must escape but is illusive, a distorted view of reality.
We can happily let go the notion that we're striving for health and happiness from a standpoint of finiteness and imperfection, or that we have to break through barriers of ignorance and materiality to become spiritual. Right now we are perfect and immortal. The belief that we aren't is a false supposition of mortal, material mind, which itself is unreal. God is the only Mind and creator. Man reflects divine Mind, and he is conscious of good only, because God is good. Matter isn't true substance or consciousness, nor does it define man. Mrs. Eddy says: "Man is deathless, spiritual. He is above sin or frailty. He does not cross the barriers of time into the vast forever of Life, but he coexists with God and the universe." Science and Health, p. 266;
If we're seeking healing of a physical ailment, and we begin with the assumption that we've left our natural state of perfection, we're reasoning incorrectly. Man is God's loved idea. Through prayer, through quiet receptivity to the one Mind, we can come to feel and know this. We can become conscious of our purity, of our unmarred spiritual identity. We possess no limited, inadequate mind capable of sinning or suffering. We're not destructible, physical beings but are wholly spiritual and sound.