All of us have convictions. The space scientist is convinced of and depends upon the laws of momentum, gravitation, and energy. We all share a conviction of the consistent behavior of the solar system. We rely on the law of gravity.
In Christian Science a conviction of Truth, trust in it, and commitment to it enable us to demonstrate Truth—to prove God's goodness and allness. To help us attain such conviction we can hold to the scientific fact that we are not ignorant mortals but the intelligent expressions of the divine Mind, invariably at one with Spirit, therefore invariably conscious of God's all-presence.
This perfect state of consciousness is not something we have to establish. We only have to awake to it, for it has already been fully established by the one Mind. That is the way we really are as Mind's spiritual expressions, even though from the illusive, material viewpoint we seem to be quite different. We need only demonstrate man's oneness with God— man's eternal consciousness of God's power—by gaining through prayer a clear understanding of this absolute fact, as well as the other great truths of being.