Certainly there is nothing wrong with wanting to see Christian Science Sunday Schools overflowing with children. With nearly half the world's population of Sunday School age, it is right to expect more than a little interest among the under twenty in a religion that presents a healing understanding of God and man. How do we go about bringing those children in our branch church area in touch with what Sunday School offers?
The answer first and last is to go to God—to become conscious of the established relationship between God, our Father-Mother, and His children. This means setting aside every empty lie denying God's control, whether it says the teaching isn't good enough, Christian Science isn't attractive enough, children aren't the angels they used to be, or whatever, and exercising one's sovereign power to see what God, Mind, sees—His creation all good, one with Himself, eternally. Then thought is prepared to receive the specific answer. The answer must come, not as an end to something bad and the beginning of something good, but as eternal good, recognized and found expressed on earth as well as in heaven. We expect and find expert, enthusiastic teachers and practical, relevant teaching because Christ, Truth, is the teacher. We know that Christian Science is attractive because, more than just an organization of humans gathered around a good idea, it is the Science of being. And we see that children, regardless of the supposed human generation they belong to, are always the perfect children of good, which is God.
A spiritual truth that has struck deep in human thought carries with it the impetus to be translated into appreciable motives and acts—love and good deeds. These are the visibles, which show that understanding has reached beyond the intellectual.