There is a sure-fire way to prevent being fooled into believing a lie, and that is to know the truth. This is how Christian Science heals. One must know the spiritual truth that enables him to disbelieve the erroneous condition facing him in order to heal that condition.
The divine metaphysics of Christian Science teaches one to refuse to believe anything that would array itself against established—though not always evident—truth. Thus disbelieving is a fundamental part of the healing method of Christian Science. "Disbelief in error destroys error, and leads to the discernment of Truth," 1 writes Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health.
Revealed truth explains the nature of God as Spirit, or Mind, and His creation as wholly spiritual. Science and Health, the textbook of the Science of Truth, teaches its readers how to distinguish between spiritual ideas, which are eternally real, and mortal beliefs, which are unreal.