A Christian Science lecture really showed me that Christ Jesus' method of healing is effective today. The lecturer gave three ingredients of healing: discipline, love, and spirituality. His vivid description of Jesus, followed by the multitudes after his Sermon on the Mount, made me feel like one of the spectators. I could see the leper as he looked up to Jesus with complete trust and said, "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." And I could hear Jesus' firm reply, "I will; be thou clean" (Matt. 8:2, 3).
I went home and reread the account of this healing, and I tried to apply the ingredients of discipline, love, and spirituality. My dictionary defined "discipline" as "training or experience that corrects, molds, strengthens, or perfects." After reading again Jesus' reply, "Be thou clean," I found the word "clean" defined as "to free from whatever is foul, offensive, or extraneous; to purify." Spirituality certainly purifies. Then I thought of the greatest ingredient of all—love. Jesus demonstrated the power of divine Love in all his healings, and he even raised the dead. His compassion toward that frightened leper proved his love for all mankind.
This procedure was so rewarding I felt I wanted to add another healing ingredient—trust. So many whom Jesus healed had complete trust in the healing power of the Christ.