The law of gravity, as earthlings see it, defines the tendency of objects to move toward the earth. There is little doubt as to the usefulness of this law. But there is a higher law governing humanity. It is the law of Godward gravitation, which draws us irresistibly to God.
We are all under the jurisdiction of this law, and we can apply it to raise the quality of our thought and our lives. We read in Job, "When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up."1
The belief in a material universe governed by material laws would weigh us down, burden and depress us with heavy, limited, material thinking. But we can rise above this false interpretation of being when we understand our true, spiritual nature as God's children and claim the freedom to express it. For Christian Science reveals, in the words of Mrs. Eddy, "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit."2