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Testimonies of Healing

While a young woman, my grandmother...

From the April 1979 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While a young woman, my grandmother had blood poisoning in her arm. A friend gave her Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy to read, and she was completely healed. This brought our family into the study of Christian Science.

As a small child my parents enrolled me in a Christian Science Sunday School. I always loved it because I began to learn and understand more about our Father-Mother God and man made in His likeness, how to pray, and why prayer brings healing. We studied the Commandments, Beatitudes, and the Lord's Prayer. Through study of Science and Health we learned to apply the truths taught by Christ Jesus to our daily lives. I am deeply grateful for Mrs. Eddy's provision for Sunday School in the Manual of The Mother Church, and for all the dedicated Sunday School teachers. The foundational truths given me during those years in Sunday School have been a constant source of strength and support.

A healing I had as a child took place in Sunday School. For several years I had worn glasses due to a condition of cross-eye. One Saturday I was given a new pair of glasses with the physician's diagnosis that my eyes would always be crossed and gradually grow weaker. The next morning I went to Sunday School ready to show everyone my new glasses and repeat the whole story. However, the teacher, a devout student of Science, met the situation head-on. I cannot relate her exact words, but I know they were based on the spiritual truths we were learning in class. They were powerful and loving, and they healed me completely. I removed my glasses that morning. My eyes were perfectly straight and focusing normally, and I have not worn glasses since. Years later it was necessary for me to have an eye test, and the physician remarked, "I can see you have never had any problem with your eyes. You have perfect eyesight."

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