"The complaint Oh, if I could only understand enough, I could be healed' needs to be replaced by a simple, wordless trust in God as able and willing to impart to any one of us the exact truths we need in order to understand that we are His children. The power to have this silent trust is already within us, as is the power to be honest with ourselves."
"The healer, whether as patient or practitioner, must be convinced that God is All, that He is the only cause, the only perfect One. It must be realized that everything God has made is as good and perfect as He is. Physical symptoms tend to deny this and for that reason need to be emphatically refuted. "
"The facts of being include man's preexistence, coexistence, and eternal existence with God. In this allness of Spirit, matter has no power to create, sustain, or extinguish the life of man. . . . Death cannot discontinue man's life any more than a stage curtain, falling at the end of a play, can discontinue the lives of the actors. "