Just a few years ago I took up the study of Christian Science. Prior to this I had emptied the local library of every book they had on healing and various religious teachings. But nothing I read seemed to satisfy me. None of the books had what I was looking for, even though at that time I had very little idea of what that might be. Then I found Christian Science. And with great joy, I can state that it is better than I ever dreamed possible. It has met my every need, and there have been many.
Because of this I would like to relate a healing I had recently, which filled me with wonder and gratitude for this glorious teaching.
Some time ago I had occasion to spend a week or so away on business. It was hard work, long hours, and physically quite tiring. But this did not bother me, as I love my work. Just the same, it was with great pleasure that I arrived back home. The following day, Sunday, I rested up a little, enjoying the sunshine in the garden and just puttering about, anticipating the church service I would be going to that evening. (Our branch church holds two services each Sunday— the morning service, which is normally crowded, and the evening service, which is not. I dearly love this second one.)