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The kind of balance needed for healing

From the October 1983 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When most of us think of balance, we're inclined to think of the balance needed to walk a tightrope, or the balance of equal weights on a scale, or the balance of power among nations.

While this sense of balance takes into account opposing forces, another kind of balance is essential to healing the sick, reforming the sinner, and establishing harmony in human experience.

But before discussing what this needed balance might be, it would be well to see what balance is not in Christian Science. Central to spiritual healing is the state of consciousness that reflects God, divine Mind, and sees Him as the only force there is, utterly unchallenged and unopposed. This means that Christian Science treatment does not involve belief in one force overbalancing another—the force of good over the force of evil, or a constructive force over a destructive one. Treatment invokes the spiritual consciousness that there is no power opposed to God. As Mrs. Eddy explains: "There are not two,—Mind and matter. We must get rid of that notion. As we commonly think, we imagine all is well if we cast something into the scale of Mind, but we must realize that Mind is not put into the scales with matter; then only are we working on one side and in Science."1

1 Miscellaneous Writings, p. 280.

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