The following was submitted from Zimbabwe.
Prayer in Christian Science could be likened to throwing a stone into a pool of water. The eddies reach further and further, and we never know the extent of the benefit. Our reflected love goes out embracing the receptive thought and those in need whom we have never met. All the same we should have tangible evidence that our labor has not been in vain.
Once when praying, I realized that all of the time, thought, inspiration, study, and unselfish love given by our teachers in the Sunday School throughout the years had borne fruit, that all the pupils who had ever attended those classes were still being blessed. My husband, who had taught in the Sunday School for many years and loved the work, came home one day and said: "I met a man I haven't seen in years. He told me that he was traveling in a train one day and suddenly he began to remember the happy times he had spent in my Sunday School class; many of those discussions came back to him, and he felt grateful for all that he had learned." It was the day on which I had been praying about Sunday School. How grateful I was for the assurance that this man had indeed been blessed.