What enabled Christ Jesus to heal through spiritual means alone? A deep study of the Bible reveals that the Master's healing power flowed from his great goodness and love for mankind. It was, in fact, his Godlikeness—his God-inspired expression of divine qualities— that was the source of his unparalleled power to do good and to relieve humanity's sufferings.
In the Gospels we find undeniable evidence of Jesus' pure, sinless nature and selfless love; his conscious unity with God, divine Spirit, the Father of all; and his freedom from sensuousness. Christian Science shows that it was his faithful reflection of these divine characteristics that enabled him to bear witness, with such unique conviction and credibility, to the eternal presence of God, good, and of God's perfect, spiritual universe and man. With this vision he helped others. It was his spiritual freedom and Christly integrity in acknowledging the allness of divine Spirit and the nothingness of anything underived from God, infinite Love, that gave him power to cast out moral evils from those who sinned, to heal those who were sick and sorrowful, to feed the hungry, still storms, and even raise the dead. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health: "Jesus was the highest human concept of the perfect man. He was inseparable from Christ, the Messiah,—the divine idea of God outside the flesh. This enabled Jesus to demonstrate his control over matter."
Science and Health, p. 482.
Replying to a question posed by one of his disciples, Christ Jesus made clear how others could attain the authority over discord that he displayed: "I am the way," he said, "the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
John 14:6. He knew that God is the creator of all, and that man is God's expression, made in the divine image. He demonstrated this in his own life. He also indicated that by following his sinless way of thinking and living—by yielding to the divine will and manifesting in daily life as he did the qualities of the Father, Life, Truth, and Love—others could likewise control material conditions.