A young woman was walking down a busy thoroughfare in a capital city. She had many problems on her mind and didn't know how they could be solved. As she looked across the street, she saw a sign in a window that said "Christian Science Reading Room." She remembered that one of her relatives was a Christian Scientist and thought she might find some answers at the Reading Room.
At first she could not move from where she was standing. She said later that it felt as if there were two ropes round her ankles preventing her from crossing the street. Then quite suddenly she was released and ran over to the open door of the Reading Room.
The librarian spoke to her comfortingly and assured her that she would find solutions to her problems in the Bible and in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. The woman already had a Bible, but she purchased a copy of the textbook. She also asked how she could get to talk with a Christian Science practitioner, an individual who devotes his or her full time to healing through prayer.