It is with great gratitude for Christian Science that I relate two special healings. In each case a seriously ill child was restored to health through prayer alone. The first of these healings happened to me; the second, twenty-eight years later, to my younger son.
My own healing, as it has been recounted to me, took place when I was two years old, living with my parents and my older sister in southern Utah. We lived at an operating mine where my father was mine superintendent. As the only children in the area, my sister and I were often given treats at the boardinghouse where the mine workers ate. One day I was given some peaches from a can later found to be rusty. Soon after, I became very ill with what the mine doctor called ptomaine poisoning.
Medical resources at the mining camp were limited, so my grandfather, very alarmed, came and took me for medical treatment to his home in Salt Lake City. My mother and sister went as well. Here, in spite of the ministrations of three New York City physicians, who happened to be in the city on another case, I only grew worse. After three weeks these doctors announced that there was nothing more to be done. They said I was dying.