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The naturalness of spiritual growth in Sunday School

From the October 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Something is stirring in Christian Science branch churches—a hunger for increasing spiritual activity and growth in Sunday Schools. This hunger goes deeper than merely wanting more students. Christian Scientists know in their hearts that the spiritual education Sunday Schools offer holds enormous potential for the children and young people in their communities; they know that spiritual education alone can satisfy a child's desire to discover the spiritual purpose and possibilities of his or her life.

Along with this stirring, there are definite instances of revitalization— experiences that speak to the fact that all the hungering is not just hope against hope, but a door opening on what is directly demonstrable: spiritual renewal in church activity. Be sure to take a look at some of the specific examples of Sunday School revitalization recounted in the boxes in this Workshop.

What about these Sunday Schools that are seeing solid growth? Are they the rare exception, the instance that can be explained away by happenstance? What is natural for a Sunday School? What is to be expected?

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