So many healings have come to me through the practice of Christian Science. The first I will share took place a couple of summers ago when my parents, my small son, and I went to a neighboring state to visit my grandparents for a few days. For some time I had been having trouble hearing out of one ear. On the day we were to leave, there was a definite discomfort in the ear, and the car trip was very tiring.
By the time we arrived, the ear had become quite painful. I prayed into the night, pondering Bible verses and references from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. One particular Bible passage I found very helpful was from Revelation, where St. John writes about seeing "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21:1). I prayed with a desire to realize this in my experience and to find healing there and then.
The pain did not cease, however, and as I felt I could not bear much more, I called a Christian Science practitioner in the middle of the night. How grateful I was when the practitioner mentioned the passage in Revelation I had been working with and directed me to pages in Science and Health that refer to this passage (see pp. 572–574). On page 573 we read, "Accompanying this scientific consciousness was another revelation, even the declaration from heaven, supreme harmony, that God, the divine Principle of harmony, is ever with men, and they are His people." I went back to bed so very thankful for this evidence of how the Father cares for our every need, and I strove to perceive more clearly my true, perfect, spiritual selfhood.